Trans Lives in the Visegrad Four: An Overview

Central European nations belonging to the Visegrad Four (V4) – The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia – are often some of the most politically and socially conservative members of the European Union. However, each of these nations is different in their treatment of and history with trans individuals.

Remembering the Persecution of Homosexuals During the Nazi and Fascist Regimes

Sexual minorities were one of the social groups persecuted during the nazi and fascist regimes. Despite the end of the dictatorships, sexual and gender minorities were still persecuted in some European countries. Only decades after WWII, the LGBT+ community started claiming their space and their memory. As a result, the erection of monuments in memory of the persecution of homosexuals during the holocaust was one of the first steps to pay tribute to those who died and suffered.

Russian Protest: Anti-Corruption, Pro-Navalny, and Violent

On January 23rd, protests across Russia demanded Alexei Navalny’s release from detainment, and called out the corruption unveiled in his latest investigation. The demonstrations grew quickly in size and in violence, instantly attracting international attention.